The actress who began her career with Om Shanti Om for which we thank SRK to bring such talent to the industry with is acting skills support, now Deepika Padukone has become one of the most successful actresses of her time. This has brought her a new challenge of day to day life for bringing up bets performances on screen. No wonder Shanti Priya (Deepika) looked sensuously breath-taking then in the 70’s fashion which she carried out so well and later to a chic style statements in her next movies like Love Aaj Kal , Bachna ae Haseeno and Cocktail which brought a new style look. She has maintained a good impression with her fashion style and her looks in Designer Sarees is an exception to all. We loved her style and it has just got better and keeps getting better day by day. Her Saree love has been on the top, and when she carried out white sarees she left an impression hitting skies. ( Deepika Padukone in White Sarees ) Her love for white has got a tem...